Goal Getter Affirmations Transcript
By: Nadeen Manuel, CHt
This deep brain programming affirmation session is designed to give you the drive to shift into productivity and create the life you desire.
You are intensely committed to achieving your goals. You put forth momentum for you subconscious mind to consistently be building, growing, accumulating.
Now find yourself repeating these suggestions in your mind, as you are driving, walking, cleaning, working out or doing any other activity.
I am the architect of my life, I choose its contents, and I build its foundation. ! I am an infinite being. My potential for success is limitless. Life loves ME
I am resourceful
I am friendly
I am patient and give others the benefit of the doubt
I never burn bridges
I am a kind and considerate person
I am balanced
I am very confident
I am aware of my path
I am filled with strength as I follow my path
I move forward
I am determined
I am naturally strong and powerful
I accept and trust my inner strength
I prevail because I am persistent
I trust my instincts
I see my future
My unconscious mind loves me and only wants good things for me and others
I am motivated and hardworking
I am out going and easily socialize
My voice and intentions are heard and received by others
I am naturally friendly, positive and out going
I fit in
I 100% believe in who I am
I feel abundance in every respect
I am committed to creating more comfort and wealth in my life
My imagination is my most powerful tool, I can imagine myself as if I have already finished a task and my unconscious mind will give me the tools and drive I need to make it a reality.
I have every tool and every answer I need inside of me.
I am trustworthy
I trust myself
The things I want come to me effortlessly
I am committed to completing my goals
I accept gifts of abundance with gratitude
I give myself permission to achieve my goals
I am honest with myself
I set realistic goals with realistic time lines
I am determined and committed to finishing all projects I start
I am professional and kind
I am passionate
I am care
I am productive
I am a good decisive decision maker
I when I make a choice that I know is for my highest good, I FULLY commit 100% to successfully following through and successfully finishing the things I start.
I attract all the wealth I desire
I see multiple sources of creating income
I am very driven and have all the motivation I need to succeed
I attract all the right people into my life
I deserve to live a comfortable happy life
I am focused
I achieve whatever I set my mind to
I choose productive thoughts
I make lists and set realistic goals
I am aware of my limitless potential
I am invigorated by prosperous thoughts
It feels good to make better personal decisions
I have the ability to make all the money I desire
I deserve money and easily attract money to me
I choose to
I persistently move forward
you surround yourself by people who are more successful than you
You think like a successful person
you set high standards for yourself
I am consistently raising my standards
I am extremely focused on my goals until i have achieved them
you are a leader and you never settle for less than you can do,
you know who you are
you work hard and love sharing your success
you are giving
I see advantages and opportunity even in the worst situations
I deserve to succeed
I am clear about what it is i want today and what is most important to me
I am aligned and I take action
I am committed to following through, achieving, celebrating and sharing life with my loved ones
I am resourceful
I have unlimited resources
I am creative and thrive in challenging situations
I am open minded
I am organized and make the best use of my time
I am forgiving and accepting of myself
I care about my health and I think healthy thoughts
I act and think of myself as if i have already achieved my goals
I take action everyday towards my goals, my body is eager to work
I love learning
I always push and move forward
I under promise and over deliver
I am prepared, organized and early
I am excellent at managing time and organizing my day
Time is my friend
I plant seeds and watch them grow
I see the results of my hard work and efforts
You are a winner
You work hard
Working Hard Feels So Good
You love the satisfaction of being productive
You move more
Working hard makes you feel more alive
You know your priorities
It’s easy for you to prioritize tasks
You value time
You make the best of your time
Time is on your side
You see opportunity in difficult situations
You are the optimist in tough situations
You see opportunity everywhere
you are committed to being financially independent
you are very clear about exactly what it is you want
you know how to find a way to follow through on time
You are results driven
You are consistently aware of what you want and you go after it
You can feel the feelings as if you have already accomplished your goals
You can visualize yourself as I success in everything i do
You are the artist and your life is the canvas, you are powerful, you have a blessed life because
You can feel these messages being received, it feels so good to be able to program yourself for success… because are a Goal Getter!